This site is supported by the Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry. It provides teachers and students with high quality, free, curriculum related, interactive resources containing animations and diagrams which can be downloaded. All our resources link science topics covered in school to the world outside and, particularly, to the treatment of disease.
Check out our brand new Ellie story - Ellie learns about vaccination! You can also find the Welsh version of the story here. Keep an eye out for Ellie's next adventure...coming soon!
Ellie learns about vaccinationTo order a free set of our brand new ABPI schools and careers posters on the following topics:
Biotechnology | Cloning | Genetic engineering | Polymerase chain reaction | Stem cells | Unravelling the genome | Careers in the pharmaceutical industry | History of Medicine
Complete our online form.
Order your School PostersWe have over 70 new interactive quizzes for you to try and test your knowledge, while you work though each topic. You can try them on a desktop, tablet or even mobile.
Some are simple, some are challenging but each one will boost your understanding of the topic.
The ABPI schools website is highly valued by teachers. Thousands of people use the site each month...
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